CIB gets a high rating in the Carbon Disclosure Project

The Commercial International Bank - Egypt (CIB) - the largest private sector bank in Egypt - revealed the environmental impact of its operations for the year 2022 through the carbon emissions disclosure project, and this comes within the efforts of the bank, which is the only banking institution listed in Egypt through the carbon emissions disclosure project since 2018.

Dr. Dalia Abdel Kader, Head of the Sustainable Finance Sector at CIB, said that the carbon emissions file, which began 5 years ago and represented systematic steps, is joining the CDP project. Over two years, the bank succeeded in inheriting the ecological footprint approach in its policies and strategies.
Banque Misr signed a cooperation protocol with the Baheya Foundation for early detection and free treatment of breast cancer, to donate 33 million Egyptian pounds to contribute in the implementation of the first phase of the Baheya Second Hospital project in Sheikh Zayed. The signing of this protocol comes from the bank's pioneering role in the field of social responsibility as one of the pillars of achieving sustainable development, and its keenness to meet the needs of the medical institution to receive additional numbers of women.
3 The Media Center for the Council of Ministers said that the National Post Authority denied the news about an increase in administrative fees on all savings accounts in Egypt post, and stressed that there had been no change in the value of administrative fees that are collected on all savings accounts in Egyptian mail.
Egypt post explained that the fees is the lowest administrative fee that is applied to savings accounts in Egypt, as the value of administrative expenses is determined differently based on the value of the available balance in the savings account, which ranges from 5 to 35 Egyptian pounds, without deducting a fixed value on a quarterly basis from all accounts. 4 Tamwely for microenterprises won two international awards from specialized international institutions. The first award came from International Business Magazine as the best company in Egypt working in microfinance activity for the year 2022, while it won the award for the fastest growing company in the same field from International Finance Awards.